Kansas City kitchen remodel cabinets
Jan 15

Kitchen Renovation… 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid


Kitchen remodeling is one of the best ways to brighten up your entire home. Even a minor kitchen renovation will give you an average return on investment of more than 83% when you sell your home. In fact, The National Association of Home Builders says that kitchen renovations account for 69% of all of requested home renovation projects, second only to bathroom renovations.

Although kitchen remodeling is an easy way to make your home look great, it can be a real nightmare if you aren’t careful. A few common kitchen remodeling mistakes that homeowners to make include:

  1. MISTAKE: Making bargain hunting your biggest priorityIf you need to cut costs, buy generic brand cereal, cut coupons, and ride your bike to work. The updates that you do to your kitchen will stay with you through the long-run, or until you redo the work because you regret cutting corners the first time. Spending the money to have the job done right, and investing in good quality material is worth every penny that you spend while kitchen remodeling.
  2. MISTAKE: Going overboardWhile a good kitchen design can add a lot of value to your home, the law of diminishing returns tells us there is a limit to the value you add in any home renovation. For example, if your home is worth $200,000, and you spend $50,000 on a kitchen that a Michelin star chef would be envious of, you’re going to have trouble getting someone to buy your home for $250,000 to get the money back out of it. (Although, if you are a foodie and would really enjoy a fancy kitchen, don’t let us stop you!) As a rule of thumb, try to keep your costs below 15% of your home’s total value if your goal is to recoup your costs when you sell.
  3. MISTAKE: Getting too trendyIn the 90’s, kitchens were decorated with floral prints and fake foliage. Now the image makes you gag. You might absolutely love a stylish look, but if you incorporate a trend into the permanent design of your kitchen, you will regret it when it goes out of style. The more prominent the design is, the more obvious it will be when it is out of date. Choosing timeless fixtures and design elements will help you maintain the value of your kitchen remodel and will make it more marketable when you decide to sell. If there is a trend you can’t live without, consider decorating with it, so that it can be changed out when the fad is over.
  4. MISTAKE: Not paying attention to your budgetSurveys show that a quarter of all homeowners anticipate spending less than $10,000 on their kitchen renovation, but only 15% of renovations actually meet that budget. Before you get started, sketch out an outline of expenses involved in your renovation. That way, you don’t get halfway through and run out of money. Make sure to leave about a 15% contingency for any unpredictable problems that may arise.
  5. MISTAKE: Starting the work before you have a complete planOne very common mistake homeowners make when renovating their kitchen is starting work on the cabinets and counter tops before the appliances are chosen. The space needed for the stove or refrigerator should be precise, so it’s a good idea to choose the appliances that you’re going to have in your new kitchen, and then make sure the rest of the plans accommodate them.  Likewise, make sure that every aspect of the kitchen is measured twice or thrice, so that you don’t end up with a shiny new stove that is one inch wider then the cabinets allow for.
  6. MISTAKE: Not Leaving any wiggle room for Murphy’s LawThere are hundreds of elements involved in a kitchen renovation. Even the best contractors can’t prevent all hiccups, there are so many factors that are outside of their control. Let yourself be flexible in your plans and your timelines, so that when an issue arises, you can take it in stride and keep going.

Jan 01

Here’s How Professional Kitchen Remodeling Can Beautify Your Home While Increasing Its Value


Almost every home in the world has some room for improvement, and procrastinating on these important renovations will only make matters worse. When it’s time to enhance your home’s decor and resale value, you need to think “big picture” and invest in something truly special.

Professional kitchen remodeling allows you to customize the interior of your home with modern renovation solutions that will benefit your family for years to come. Additionally, these kitchen remodeling projects can add exponential value to your home, which means that they essentially pay for themselves. Once your kitchen is renovated, you can then focus on whole home remodeling by investing in a bathroom remodel or basement finishing.

When you want to improve the aesthetics of your home to impress house guests, it’s always best to start with the kitchen. Here’s how professional kitchen remodeling can beautify your home while putting money back into your pocket:

  • Luxurious add-ons. Think back to a time when you immediately impressed upon walking into a home. There’s a good chance that the moment your jaw dropped was when you walked into the kitchen, and there’s an even better chance that the kitchen was finished with granite countertops. Granite countertops are the pinnacle of luxury kitchen renovations, and they are also much more durable than other materials. Property damage repairs make up about 36% of remodeling jobs, and granite countertops can resist damage to prolong your investment.
  • Lucrative return on investment. Even if you only want to renovate a few select things in your kitchen, you will experience a tremendous return on investment (ROI). A minor kitchen remodel has an average return on investment of 82.7%, and whole kitchen renovations are even closer to 100%. Plus, these renovations can reveal leaks and other issues throughout your kitchen that have been costing you extra money over time.
  • Other home renovations. You’re strongly encouraged to start with the kitchen when remodeling your home, but you may also be inclined to enhance other high-usage rooms such as the basement or bathroom. These renovation projects also offer tremendously profitable ROIs. In fact, bathroom additions offer an 86.4% ROI on average, and that percentage can increase if you invest in modern add-ons like heated floors.

Kitchen remodeling is no easy task, but it becomes much more simple and lucrative when you enlist the help of renovation professionals. Get in touch with an experienced kitchen renovation company and take your home’s value to another level.

Dec 26

3 Crucial Reasons to Invest in Professional Bathroom Remodeling


Savvy homeowners are always on the lookout for creative ways to enhance their home’s appeal. For some reason, bathroom remodeling is often overlooked in this home improvement process despite the wide range of benefits that it provides to homeowners.

Professional bathroom remodeling is truly the best way to improve your home’s aesthetic appeal while exponentially increasing its resale value. Many homeowners tend to focus on landscaping or outdoor improvements, but it’s what’s inside your home that will impress your house guests the most.

Bathroom remodeling is far from a “DIY” job, so you’ll need to invest in professional bathroom renovation services to get the most bang for your buck. Here are just three of the many reasons that you should strongly consider investing in professional bathroom remodeling:

  • Huge return on investment
    Your bathroom is one of the most used rooms in your home, so it’s no surprise that the floors and fixtures tend to fade over time. According to a National Association of Home Builders survey, bathroom remodeling is the most requested home improvement job in the U.S., accounting for 78% of renovations. This is likely due to the outrageous return on investment (ROI) that one can earn from bathroom remodeling. In fact, bathroom additions offer an average of 86.4% ROI.
  • Save money over time
    In addition to earning money when selling your home, you’ll also save tons of money up until that point with professional bathroom remodeling. During a bathroom renovation, professionals are likely to notice some “minor” water leaks in your pipes that could cost you more money than you think. Fixing these easily corrected water leaks can save you about 10% on your water bills every single month, which really adds up over time.
  • Wow your house guests
    Last but certainly not least, you should always be looking for ways to beautify your home. At some point, your house guests will ask to use your bathroom, and there is no prouder feeling than to hear their compliments on your remodeling when they return. From custom vanities to sleek new cabinets, bathroom remodeling services can truly provide you with the bathroom of your dreams.

These are just a few of the most notable benefits of professional bathroom remodeling, and you’ll notice dozens more after your renovation is completed. Get in touch with us to start your new bathroom remodeling project today!


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