Top 4 Reasons to Treat Yourself to a Master Bathroom Remodel
Many of us have a long wish list for home improvements. We may have a dream kitchen design in mind, a bedroom to repaint, a garage to clean, or even full room additions to be had. But how often do we stop to think about the function, utility, and design of our bathrooms?
The bathroom is typically the first room we enter in the morning. If you’re unhappy with your space, how is it going to affect the rest of your day? A bathroom remodel just might change your whole approach. A survey of homeowners found that 60% had intentions or plans to remodel the master bathroom. So why wait? Here are four great benefits of getting your remodeling project underway sooner rather than later.
1. Promote Relaxation
- The bathroom isn’t just a place for business — it’s the one room in the house that can offer you guaranteed privacy. A bathroom renovation that focuses on the relaxing pleasures of a bubble bath or the calm that comes with proper lighting, space, and color can truly revitalize your “me-time” experience.
2. See Yourself in a Better Light
- The space in which you get ready for the day can really have a huge impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Make sure to always see yourself in the best light — literally! Vanity lighting and flattering mirror placement in your
- design can truly amplify the time you take to prepare yourself for the world outside.
3. Save on Your Water Bills
- Small leaks are a common problem in many homes, though owners may often not even realize there’s an issue. Fortunately, professional remodelers are seasoned experts at identifying and solving small leak problems in bathroom and kitchen faucets and plumbing fixtures. Patching up these minor drips could save you 10% on your monthly household water bill.
4. Add Value to Your Home
- Additions and expansions on bathrooms can offer up to 86.4% return on investment. Remodeling your master bathroom — or all of your bathrooms, for that matter — will not only offer serenity and enjoyment now, but will add value to your home for years to come.
When it comes to bathroom remodeling, the choices are all yours. Make this personal space work for you with a design and aesthetic that enhances your ability to tackle every day from the start.